Monday 8 July 2013

US and Latest Political Chess in Iran , presidential polls in Iran, latest News, Latest world news, world news updates, World news.

The eleventh presidential election in Iran, which was held on June 14, 2013, can be considered a turning point in the course of Iran’s domestic and foreign relations. Following the election, major changes took place in Iran’s domestic and foreign political milieus.

Now, analysts are openly asserting that the new Iranian administration will set a new direction for the country’s foreign policy approaches. There are also widespread speculations about the new combination of Iranian officials who will be soon in charge of the country’s foreign policy apparatus.

The Iranian presidential election and its final outcome were welcomed far and wide across the world with Israel being the sole exception. In the meantime, the reaction shown by the United States, not only on an official level, but also by less official political players in the United States, was quite remarkable.
Since the United States political system is a complex and multilayered system, various aspects and angels of political relations in that country should be taken into account in order to answer this important question: “How the US reaction to the results of 2013 presidential election in Iran can be analyzed?” To answer this question and assess various reactions which have been shown to Iran’s presidential election by the American political circles, three general frameworks should be taken advantage of.

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